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League of Legends - Trial key
  • System: 64 bit
  • Windows: 10 and 11
  • Supported CPU: Intel & AMD
  • Game version: Riot Servers & Garena
  • Direct X Version: 9 & 11
  • Riot Anticheat: Supported

**When you buy, you automatically agree to the following terms:
**We are not responsible for suspensions of your accounts or any kind of damage done to your PC, nor what you do with our product. THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK.

You agree that you have checked the Product Status and Compatibility before purchasing.
Refunds or chargebacks may cause your device to be permanently suspended from using any of our future software. Also, you won't get any extension if the product doesn't work.
If you are a competing entity of a product you purchase, said product reserves the right to terminate your subscription.
BY PURCHASING YOU ALSO AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING: "I am buying a virtual item and will not send an unauthorized transaction, dispute, claim, or anything related. I have received my digital key, therefore I am not eligible to retrieve the money sent."****